Future perspectives
Program overview, SFOMK 2024 Gothenburg, Clarion Hotel Post
Tuesday May 21 | Wednesdag May 22 | Thursday May 23 | Friday May 24 | |
Day | 12.00-13.00 Registration & light lunch 13.00-17.00 SORG Satellite symposium |
08.30-17.30 Pre-course 18.15-19.00 KKF annual meeting |
08.00-17.45 SFOMK Congress 16.30-17.00 General Assembly |
08.15-16.15 SFOMK Congress |
Evening | Reception | Welcome reception | Congress dinner |
Wednesday May 22 | Pre-course Conference room: Drottningporten I |
08.30-17.30 |
Pre-course Revolutionising Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery: Exploring the Frontiers of Technology and Innovation. |
08.30-09.00 | Registration | |||
09.00-09.15 | Welcome Address Florian Thieringer and Majeed Rana |
09.15-09.45 | Keynote lecture 1 High-tech in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery – Translating Innovation to the Point-of-Care Max Heiland, Charité Berlin, Germany |
09.45-10.00 | Questions and answers | |||
10.00-10.45 | Lecture Block 1: Latest developments: Virtual Surgical Planning, AR / VR / Mixed Reality Challenges and Limitations of Virtual Surgical Planning and 3D Printing at the point of care Florian M. Thieringer, Basel, Switzerland Mixed Reality Applications in OMFS Majeed Rana, Düsseldorf, Germany |
10.45-11.15 | Coffee break | |||
11.15-12.00 | Lecture Block 2: Future Advances / Technologies Revolutionizing Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery: The Power of Virtual Planning, 3D Printing, and Personalized Care Thomas Kofod, Kopenhagen, Denmark From Planning to Precision: Virtual Surgical Planning and Patient-specific Implants as a standard in Orthognathic Surgery Patricia Stoor, Helsinki, Finland |
12.00-12.40 | Lecture Block 2: Navigation and robot-assisted Surgery in OMFS Navigation in OMFS – New Imaging and Navigation Concepts Majeed Rana, Düsseldorf, Germany Robotics Q&A |
12.40-14.00 | Lunch break | |||
14.00-15.30 | Lecture Block 3: 3D printing, reconstructive and regenerative techniques in OMFS. From biomodels and surgical guides to living bio-grafts. Keynote: Innovative Approaches in Reconstructive Surgery: The Journey of Facial Transplantation Patrik Lassus, Helsinki, Finland From Tissue Engineering to Bioprinting – the Future of Regenerative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery? Valentina Basoli, Basel, Switzerland Fifteen years of virtual surgical planning. Current situation at Uppsala University Hospital and the interaction with a nationally-funded competence center for Additive Manufacturing, AM4Life. Andreas Thor, Uppsala, Sweden |
15.30-16.00 | Coffee break | |||
16.00-17.00 | Panel discussion: Challenges and prospects of innovation in OMFS (Faculty and experts) Panelists: Florian Thieringer, Majeed Rana, Max Heiland, Patricia Stoor, Andreas Thor, Thomas Kofod, Patrik Lassus, Valentina Basoli |
17.00-17.30 | Closing remarks and farewell Florian Thieringer and Majeed Rana |
18.15-19.00 | KKF Annual meeting | |||
19.00 | Welcome reception of the 41th SFOMK Congress In the exhibition |
Thursday May 23 | SFOMK 2024 Congress Conference room: Drottningporten |
07.30- | Registration | ||
08.00-08.05 | Welcome to the the 41th SFOMK Congress Mikael Magnusson, SFOMK president |
08.05-08.45 | Can numbers increase your health and wellness in combination with AI? – a rather sick lecture Lars Lindskold, Umeå University |
08.45-09.30 | Implant Dentistry in the Digital Era: Emerging Paradigms and new challenges (1) Nikos Mattheos, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
09.30-10.10 | Coffee break and exhibition | ||
10.10-10.50 | Implant Dentistry in the Digital Era: Emerging Paradigms and new challenges (2) Nikos Mattheos, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
10.50-11.20 | Gold sponsor lecture | Dentsply Advancements in Implant Surgery: Pioneering Regenerative Solutions with Cutting-Edge Technology Kristina Schremer, Eastmaninstitute |
11.20-11.50 | Gold sponsor lecture | Planmeca From Clay to Click: The Evolution of Orthognathic Surgery Planning Sepehr Moghaddamin, Sweden |
11.50-12.20 | Report from a Swedish national quality registry for orthognathic surgery (NROK) Steering group of NROK |
12.20-12.50 | Free papers, oral presentations: Moderator: Jonas Anderud 12.20-12.30 Dental Treatment Needs of Patients Diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer, Domantas Zelvys 12.30-12.40 Knowledge of the general population in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Baltic sea coast) on the subject of head and neck cancer, Katharina Geisenhainer 12.40-12.50 New classification system for osteoradionecrosis of the jaws, Cæcilie Havndrup |
12.50-13.45 | Lunch and exhibition | ||
Parallel session for surgeons and nurses | |||
Surgeons program Conference room: Drottningporten |
Nurse program Conference room: Post 3 |
13.45-14.45 | Free papers, oral presentations: Moderator: Bente Brokstad-Herlofson 13.45-13.55 Influencing Factors on Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw, Wiebke Heldmaier 13.55-14.05 Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws caused by high dose antiresorptive treatment, Victor Gransøe Eskerod 14.05-14.15 Preliminary data from the COOP II-study – exploring oral and general health among older people in need of acute care, Janicke Liaaen Jensen 14.15-14.25 Surgical approach for Jacob’s disease (osteochondroma of coronoid process), Sara Samiei 14.25-14.35 Relevance of bacterial cultivation in treatment of severe odontogenic infections – A retrospective cross-sectional study, Rasmus Søndenbroe 14.35-14.45 Severe infections after tooth removal: a retrospective cohort study, Klara Grønhøj |
13.45-14.25 Perioperative patient safety
14.30-14.45 Short update on midface trauma |
14.45-15.30 | Coffee break and exhibition | ||
15.30-16.30 | Free papers, oral presentations: Moderator: Simon Storgård-Jensen 15.30-15.40 Biocompability of 3D printed photopolymere BioClear to be used in guided bone augmentation, Peter Abrahamsson 15.40-15.50 Horizontal GBR with bovine bone mineral alone or in combination with bone in edentulous atrophic maxilla. A randomized controlled trial, Hanna Aludden Hejlesen 15.50-16.00 Crohn’s Disease and Fracture Risk Assessment with FRAX, Jack Hilon 16.00-16.10 Cost analysis of Orthognathic Surgery: Outpatient Care versus Inpatient Care, Carina Pekkari 16.10-16.20 Three-Dimensional Accuracy and Stability of PSI in Orthognathic Surgery: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis, Alexandru Diaconu 16.20-16.30 Surgical Treatment with DO for congenital maxillomandibular syngnathia: A case report, Sara Samiei |
KLS Martin Workshop
16.30-17.15 | Free papers, poster presentations | ||
17.15-17.45 | SFOMK General Assembly: For SFOMK members |
19.00 | Congress dinner and dance at Kajskjul 8 |
Friday May 24 | SFOMK 2024 Congress Conference room: Drottningporten |
08.15-09.00 | How to avoid inferior alveolar nerve injury in complex third molar extractions. Søren Aksel Christian Krarup, Denmark |
09.00-09.30 | Disease of the temporomandibular joint – associated risk factors, comorbidities, and social security benefits Adrian Salinas Fredricsson, Sweden |
09.30-10.00 | Future perspectives in TMJ minimal invasive surgery Mattias Ulmner, Sweden |
10.00-10.45 | Coffee break and exhibition | |||
10.45-11.15 |
Gold Sponsor lecture | KLS Martin Reconstructive Material in Forehead Feminization Surgery – Indications and behave after 15 years of experience. |
11.15-11.45 |
Gold Sponsor lecture | Nobel Biocare Reconstruction of maxillofacial defects with prefabrictated fibula flaps and dental implants – 20 years of experience and future trends |
11.45-12.45 | Lunch and exhibition | |||
12.45-13.30 |
Lessons of war: secondary zygoma and orbital reconstruction
Lessons of war: secondary reconstruction of lower facial zone |
13.30-14.00 | Future perspectives in stemcell treatment in OMFS Cecilie Gudveig Gjerde, Norway |
14.00-14.30 | Free papers, oral presentations: Moderator: Janne Ollikainen 14.00-14.10 A new approach to correct Hanging columella in Rhinoplasty: Auto columellar graft, Moosa Mahmoodi 14.10-14.20 TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISCECTOMY. A LONG-TERM RETROSPECTIVE FOLLOW-UP. Mats Sjöström 14.20-14.30 Presence of microbial DNA in synovial fluid from TMJ in patients with internal derangements, chronic inflammatory arthritis or osteoarthritis, Nikoo Bazsefidpay |
14.30-15.00 | Coffee break in the foyer outside the lecture hall | |||
15.00-15.30 | Free papers, oral presentations: 15.00-15.10 Extra cellular matrix proteins in disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint, Mattias Ulmner 15.10-15.20 Interpositional arthroplasty with cartilage allograft in the treatment of temporomandibular joint arthrosis, Van Son Nguyen 15.20-15.30 Frey’s syndrome as an uncommon complication to alloplastic reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint, Frey Brus Madsen |
15.30-16.00 | New diagnostic methods in oral pathology Jenny Öhman, Sweden |
16.00-16.15 | Announcement of best oral presentation, best poster and best clinical case Summary and end of congress |
Last update: 2024-05-08
Organized by
Organizing committee
Mikael Magnusson, Congress Chair and President SFOMK
Bodil Lund, Congress Co-chair
Ketil Moen
Janek Dalsgaard Jensen

Congress secretariat
Reed & Mackay (fd Resia Kongress)
Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)
Abstract support